Malcesine evening

Malcesine evening
Originally uploaded by Greygriffin.

It’s mid-evening in Malcesine, and we’re sitting at a cafe on the waterfront just taking in the atmosphere. In a moment we’ll be off to look for a restaurant, as we’re celebrating our fourth wedding anniversary – a wonderful place for it.

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Sailing on Lake Garda

Eve & I went sailing today for a couple of hours in an ‘Aquila’-class 2-man keel-boat. The wind was initially very light, but quickly picked up and it was soon a real struggle to lean out and hold it level. Lots of fun – it’s the second time Eve’s been sailing, and she’s surprisingly enthusiastic about it. Sadly no photos, as sailing is a bit wet for cameras, but you’ll find photos at the firm’s web site: – the Aquila is the boat with a big ‘A’ on its sail.

Update: here’s a picture of the boat we sailed from Stickl’s web site:

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Originally uploaded by Greygriffin.

We’re at Limone, the town across the lake from Malcesine. Very touristy, but nonetheless pleasant, with restaurants lining the waterfront. Despite the clouds we woke up to, it’s gloriously sunny. As I write this we’re sitting under a lemon tree in one of the restaurants, waiting for our pizzas. And the ice cream sundaes in the menu look very tempting. Time for another diet when we get back home, I think…

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Ice cream sundaes

Ice cream sundaes
Originally uploaded by Greygriffin.

Eve & I had dinner at a nice restaurant by Malcesine’s old harbour, and now we’re having dessert at a gelateria by the new harbour. There’s a band playing romantic songs as the sun goes down…

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Hiking on Monte Baldo

Hiking on Monte Baldo
Originally uploaded by Greygriffin.

Today we took the cable car up to the mountain ridge behind Malcesine, and walked for a couple of hours up to the nearest peak. You can see Lake Garda below; just below my hand is the round white building of the cable car’s lower station, beside which is the restaurant terrace on which we took yesterday’s photo with the big glass of beer. Then we seemed very high up, but today we’re so much higher again – the altitude here is just over two kilometres. It’s lovely to sit here with our sandwiches – so peaceful and quiet. The loudest sound is the chirping of the grasshoppers, except for when one of the large swallows rips through the air past our heads.

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The perils of mountain climbing

The perils of mountain climbing
Originally uploaded by Greygriffin.

Eve & I decided to go for a little walk up the mountain behind our little town of Malcesine, as the queue for the cable car seemed rather long. It didn’t look too far from down below, but after nearly four hours’ tough walking we’ve only got to the cable car’s half-way station. Luckily there’s a bar here with a nice sunny terrace. Look at the picture closely, and you’ll see just how high up we got. By the way, when in Italy be careful when ordering a ‘large beer’ – it may turn out to be a full litre. Oops!

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Originally uploaded by Greygriffin.

It’s over now, and we’re back on the bus returning to Malcesine. Aida was a great experience, certainly something I’d recommend – even if you’re not particularly into opera you’ll surely enjoy the spectacle.

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Aida in full flow

Aida in full flow
Originally uploaded by Greygriffin.

It’s the first interval, and this is what we’ve been watching. The singing is impressive, though it doesn’t carry as well here as in a normal theatre. Looks like the second act is about to start…

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Aida at Arena di Verona

Aida at Arena di Verona
Originally uploaded by Greygriffin.

The opera is starting in half an hour, and we’re sitting above the left of the stage – much closer than we were at Savonlinna. There’s a great feeling of anticipation in the air. Vendors are walking round selling ice cream, bottles of soft drinks and wine, and renting out soft cushions which we’ll no doubt be glad of after hours sitting on these stone steps. It’s strange to think that two millennia ago, a Roman was sitting where I am watching gladiator matches.

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Breakfast at Malcesine

Breakfast at Malcesine
Originally uploaded by Greygriffin.

Eve & I have just started a week’s holiday at Malcesine on Lake Garda. This evening we’re off to Verona to see Aida at the old Roman ampitheatre.

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