St Urho’s Sahtiviikot

One of our favourite pubs, St Urho’s, is having ‘Sahtiviikot’ starting today and lasting as long as their stocks do. Sahti is a traditional beer brewed in the Finnish countryside, typically tasting rather banana-like and about 7%-10% alcohol. Here’s a typical example:


As you can see, it’s unfiltered and very thick. Some taste quite yeasty, others pretty much like banana bubblegum. But all get you rather drunk surprisingly quickly. Mike & I were gathering tasting notes:

Sahti tasting notes

So the ‘Muffloni’ sahti from Pub Beer Hunters in Pori was the least successful – stinky, and sweet & vinegary. The sahti from Ravintola Huvila in Savonlinna was a good one (coincidentally, Eve & I will be staying there in July when we go to the Savonlinna castle opera festival).

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